Mission & Vision

We are here to train and equip those who are called to provide impeccable Leadership within God’s community of believers. We support these experts of integrity with education,  accountability,  guidance, and fellowship.

Our vision is a community of souls whose goal is to grow themselves to the maximum potential for leadership in God’s Kingdom. Those leaders willing to keep growing, even as they seek to teach others what they have learned.

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About the Founders

We invite you to learn a bit more about who we are and how this all began. Please watch this short video intro, then click through for more info.

What’s in a Name?

White Fawn Ministries is rooted in a true experience! In the summer of 2014  a doe delivered twin fawns on our property – one was albino white on white on white! It was the catalyst for naming this ministry and we know we are truly blessed.

*Please forgive the image clarity, it’s really hard to get close enough for a clear photo with a protective “mommy deer” around...

the Rest of the Story…